Jan 22, 2013

my journey begins

I feel like I have all these words inside me that need to come out.

I feel like I have all these emotions bottled up.

I feel like my real body is crowed underneath an ugly shell.

I feel like there is a deeper, better self that I have not yet reached.

I feel like my current version of success could be shadowed by my own greater future successes.

I feel like the damaged little girl in me has never been healed enough to grow into a healthy adult woman.

When I shed all the layers what will remain?

Will I know how to be the person underneath, and feel the true feelings, and sense the world in a pure, raw way?

Am I capable of making the connections that a soul requires to truly be alive?

Will I allow myself to be loved?

Am I capable of loving?

Who am I, and who will I be able to be?

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